Next-generation clean technologies

Climate change and environmental degradation are existential challenges to all. Practical and meaningful solutions from next-generation clean technologies, must be cost-competitive and globally scalable. The majority of today's renewable energy, energy storage, and other clean technologies often are burdened with high costs, scalability constraints, significant a carbon footprint and substantial chemical pollution issues in their supply chain.

Truly sustainable technologies, where the cradle-to-grave carbon footprint is near zero and without use of toxic substances, are almost non-existent in the current market. Our future depends on emerging truly-sustainable solutions, that are often pre-commercial, in-development and/or in initial deployment. Ecotech Advisors focuses on these challenging areas of innovation, in the following business activities:

  • Commercialization

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Corporate Finance Transactions

  • Joint Ventures

First Principles Approach

With a deep technical perspective and clean technology experience, Ecotech Advisors provides corporate advisory, technical feasibility analysis and strategic guidance in the different areas of clean technologies, including with an emphasis in the following sectors:

Renewable Energy

Toxic Substance Reduction

Energy Storage

Energy Efficiency


Advanced Materials

Geographic Focus

Our team is bilingual, English & Español, and we have transactional experience in the Americas, Europe and Asia. 

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Sustainability Defined

Sustainable technologies must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • significantly reduce overall net greenhouse gas emissions, or

  • substantially decrease pollution in the natural and/or human environment.